Commercial content guidelines

Mediahuis publications sometimes produce content with funding from third-party companies or Government. Our online platforms can feature a range of content from third parties.

Mediahuis values its strong relationship with its audience and it is important that there is transparency around content of this nature and that it is clearly delineated from regular editorial coverage. The content will have one of the following three labels: ‘in partnership with’, ‘Sponsored content’ and ‘Advertiser content’. In addition, Mediahuis will sometimes produce ‘promotional features’ to promote upcoming company events.

‘In partnership with/in association with’

‘In partnership with [client]’ is used to describe editorially independent content. We accept funding from third parties both for new projects and for content we are already producing. Before funding is agreed with a client, relevant Editors and the Managing Editor are consulted about its suitability and the Managing Director of Publishing has the final say on whether a funding deal is accepted.

A client whose branding appears on editorial content may have a role in suggesting what kind of topics are covered but not how they are covered. The commissioning editor is not obliged to accept ideas from the funder. The content is written/produced and edited by Mediahuis journalists or contractors/freelancers commissioned by Mediahuis. There is no prior copy approval. Some of this content will be funded by public or private sector clients and provides an important public information function.

‘Sponsored content/Sponsored Features/Sponsored’

This label is used to describe advertisement features that are paid for and controlled by the advertiser rather than the publisher and are subject to regulation by the Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland (ASAI). This content, commonly referred to as ‘advertorial’, is commissioned by commercial departments and does not involve Mediahuis staff journalists. Native advertising, digital content created by advertisers that appears on Mediahuis websites, will be clearly marked as ‘Sponsored’ or ‘Ad’ – including in any related posts on social media.

‘Advertisement feature’

‘Advertisement feature’ is used to describe content paid for and produced by the advertiser rather than Mediahuis. This content is subject to regulation by the ASAI.

‘Promoted Links’

Some of our webpages will feature links promoted by recommendation engines such as Outbrain or Taboolah. These will appear in blocks of content and will be clearly labelled as ‘Promoted Links’ the recommendation engine in question will be clearly visible, and the ad choices logo.