I am child-free and happy – why does that offend you?

When Australian model Ellie Gonsalves shared a satirical list of 118 reasons not to have kids, people queued up to monster her. So tell me, please, writes Louise Slyth – what’s so abhorrent about someone choosing not to be a parent?

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Louise Slyth
UK Independent

When Australian model Ellie Gonsalves shared her 118 reasons to remain childfree with her 1.2 million Instagram followers, her reasons ran from the universal, to the unusual, to the unlikely. To her absolute credit, Gonsalves did say that her list was partly satirical: one detailed post partum hair loss, another that “your vagina will be different”.

She even said she was worried in case the child grew up to become a bully (or a rapist). “No sex six weeks after birth” and “they may kill their twin in the womb” were two other memorable additions.