Dear Vicki: My partner won’t tell me about their family business – is something wrong?

Our new agony aunt answers your business questions

Limerick businesswoman Vicki O’Toole shares her expertise. Photo: Don Moloney

Vicki O’Toole

Today we launch a new weekly business advice column with Vicki O’Toole. Vicki is former managing director of JJ O’Toole, Ireland’s oldest packaging company. Every week, she will offer her expertise to small and medium-sized enterprises and aspiring business owners.

Q My partner is a director of a long-established family business, alongside her father and brothers. They are very tight with information. Even when under intense stress over some business situation, they don’t let the rest of us in. I am successful in my own profession and would be regarded as a good sounding board, but my partner insists the family business be kept ring fenced from our home lives together. I have concerns about the lack of openness and wonder is something amiss. What do you advise?